Effective and Active Listening Skills in a Leader

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CRUD operations using backendless on Phonegap Application

It is an extension of blog post i wrote previously about integrating backendless with phonegap using that blog post as reference ( https://medium.com/@owaisr814/create-a-mobile-app-with-phonegap-and-backendless-4d1acd6441d3 ) we will be applying CRUD (Create ,Read, Update and Delete) operations on backendless we will be creating a simple app that perform above four operations.

addObject Function

Here we are initializing app id and key first then we are initializing the app after that we are creating a function in which we are creating table and saving object with property ‘name’ in it

Invoke function with event handler

2. Read Operation: In this part we are going to read the object that we saved in backendless database.

showObject function

for reading we are going to create a function showObject and pass name of table so that it can take element from that table and use promise to show values we get on DOM and we have used catch for error handling

Event Handler to invoke function

3. Update Operation: Here we will update the previously existing value in backendless database

updateObject function

Here in this function we are using the Backendless that is initialized in the start, we are using save function but we are passing two parameters one is the value to be update and second is id of object whose value we want to update then we are using promise to show response if object is updated and catch is used to show error if it occurs

4. Delete Operation: In this operation we delete a particular object from backendless database

deleteObject function

In this function we are deleting a particular element by passing its object id to remove function and referencing it to the table from where that object is to be deleted

complete main.js
Complete Index.html

The complete code index.html and main.js is available at this github link

Thanks hope to see you soon with something fun

Cheers :)

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