Visualizing the Changing Sound of Music

As part of a week-long course on information visualisation at National Institute of Design by Amit Kapoor, I chose to analyse the top 100 songs from Billboard Music charts of 2008 and 2018. I wanted…


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Programming oriented to protocols in Swift is a programming approach that focuses on using protocols to define the interfaces for a class or structure, rather than using inheritance. In Swift, a protocol defines a blueprint of methods, properties, and other requirements that are required for a type to conform to the protocol.

By using protocols, developers can create reusable and modular code that can be easily extended and adapted to meet changing requirements. For example, a protocol can define the methods and properties that are required for a view controller to display a list of data, and multiple view controllers can conform to this protocol, each with its own implementation of the required methods and properties.

This approach provides several benefits, including the ability to create flexible and reusable code, the ability to write more testable code, and the ability to take advantage of Swift’s powerful features for protocol-oriented programming, such as protocol extensions, protocol composition, and generic types.

In summary, programming oriented to protocols in Swift is a powerful way to write clean, modular, and reusable code, and it is a fundamental aspect of the Swift programming language.

A protocol in Swift is a blueprint of methods, properties, and other requirements that are used to describe the functionality that a class, struct, or enum should implement.

In this paradigm, protocols serve as a way to define the expected behavior of an object, rather than defining the implementation itself. This allows for greater flexibility and reusability, as objects can conform to multiple protocols and provide different implementations of the same behavior.

Here’s an example of how protocols can be used in Swift:

In this example, we have defined a protocol Shape that specifies the behavior that any object conforming to this protocol should provide. The protocol defines two requirements: a computed property area and a method draw().

We then have two structs, Circle and Square, that conform to the Shape protocol. Each struct provides its own implementation of the required properties and methods defined in the protocol.

This allows us to write code that operates on objects conforming to the Shape protocol, without having to know the specific type of object we are working with.

In this way, programming oriented to protocols in Swift allows us to write more flexible and reusable code by defining the behavior that objects should provide, rather than the implementation of that behavio

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