This one is about 4 easy exercises you can using dumbbells at home! Now I know, alot of people might not have those, which is why I’m listing down a list of things you can use in place of them to…


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What I learned from attending a Liberating Structures Immersion Workshop

I appreciated the timeboxes. As a facilitator, I’m quite firm on my timeboxes. It was good to be on the receiving end for a change. More than once, the expiring of a timebox surprised me and my fellow attendees. More than once I realized that the important stuff was shared already. Time to move on. The times where I felt the conversation was cut short, I was happy to move on; favouring the experience of another Liberating Structure over further exploration of the subject at hand.

I appreciated the chance to get some personal insights. Although my main purpose of attending this workshop was to experience Liberating Structures as a participant to be better at facilitating them for others, I did have several interesting personal insights. That’s part of the immersion experience I guess. Allow me to share two insights here.

Be a gentle guiding giant; not a 1-trick bird, a rigid giant, an inflicting biter or a molesting witch. Don’t you just love your Tiny Demons? Come on, give ’em a hug, send them some love! They want to tell you something. They want to help and they’re quite cute once you get to know them. They helped me uncover some hidden uncertainties and fears. Tiny Demons can transform negative thoughts into a positive image of what you can be — or already are.

I appreciated how I was able to manage my energy level with little effort. After both days, I arrived home full of energy. I slept really well after the workshops on both days.

In the debrief, a member from another group shared her appreciation for the performed sketches. Then she shared that she felt that her group had not been able to create a sketch that was nearly as good. One of the facilitators (I believe it was Fisher) appreciated this remark. He clarified that some groups might have a great sketch, and others don’t. Beforehand it is hard to predict which two groups would create those two great sketches. As a group as a whole, we had two great sketches.

This is a short list of follow up ideas I had after the workshop.

You are invited to …

But above all, I invite you to experiment with Liberating Structures yourself. You’ll be amazed about what they unleash in the people you work and live with.

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