2 giugno 1946

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Write Your Book One Page a Month

Sometimes I multiply one thing by the days, weeks, months I’ve lived, and I’m impressed by what I could’ve done so far.

One thing I multiply is to write a page every month.

The page can be about an event in the world, an idea, what I’m working on, anything I think is important at that stage of my life. That will be the theme of the page for that month.

If I’d started this in my 20s, I’d have 228 pages by now.

One page per month is easy. On the first day, you can write anything that comes to mind, and in the following days, you can refine the content.

Since this is a slow process, each page will be a pure insight. Each page will be revised at least 30 times.

I wonder what kind of content my pages will have?

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